Grading System

Stock Arrival
Once the stock arrives to our inventory it undergoes several phases prior to listing!
1. The stock undergoes cleaning phase.
2. The stock enters testing phase.
3. The stock enters grade evaluation phase.
4. The stock is then listed in Gamer's Haven ready to be delivered to our valued customers!

Video Game Discs and Cartridges Grading
1. Sealed - Has never been opened before. In factory seal.
2. Complete - Contains all the manuals, its genuine box, and art cover.
3. Without Manual - Contains genuine art cover but does not include the game manuals.
4. Disc Only - Might contain a box with reprinted art cover and does not include the game manuals.

Consoles and Accessories Grading
1. Sealed - Brand new in factory condition and has not been opened before. Contains all its genuine documentations and in-box accessories.
2. Grade A - Item might be slightly scratched but not noticeably damaged. Has all its components working in perfect condition without any faults and might contain the box.
3. Grade B - Item shows signs of wear, is scratched, and could slightly be damaged. Item has all its compenets working without any faults.
4. Grade C - Item is scratched and might be damaged or slightly cracked. Minor faults might be present but the major compents are working.